Process Control

Process Control

A smart use of technology in order to control all the productive areas has important cross-sectorial effects, from quality checks management to optimization and rationalization of all processes.

Businesses are nowadays "forced" by the market and International competition to pay attention to operating margins, to stay competitive the first challenge a firm has to win is to identify the best way to have good operating margins. An industrial process is made up of different units, integrated one with each other, with the objective of converting in the cheapest possible way, raw materials into a final product. The objective of the control system is to maintain process variables at the desired levels.

The automation system of a plant monitors and manages different functions:

  • Security
  • Optimization and control

The security function has the highest priority as it has to guarantee people and plant security.

The control function manages the productive cycles flows in order to obtain quality regularity and best performances (optimization of cycles' times) and way materials (waste).

With our 30-years long experience in control process we are the best partners to realise optimized plants in different industral sectors as can be seen in the following projects:

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